Monday, August 22, 2011

Episode 368-Transitions

The more things change…the more they keep changing.

Listen in for more.

As always, I welcome comments.

Also, don't forget that anybody who listens is invited to do an episode of "David's Salon" with me. Just have a topic--any topic--and get in touch with me to set up a recording time.

Music Today:

"The Day I Began" by Mevio Music Alley artist Alicia Marie

"I Will Be Alright" by Mevio Music Alley artist Marina V

Intro Music:

"Deep Cycle Discharge" by Mevio Music Alley artists Simon James and Derek K. Miller

Thanks for listening!

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Episode 367-Being Seen

One of my deepest fears was revealed for me. I kinda knew about it all the time, but now I know for sure.

Listen in for more.

As always, I welcome comments.

Also, don't forget that anybody who listens is invited to do an episode of "David's Salon" with me. Just have a topic--any topic--and get in touch with me to set up a recording time.

Music Today:

"Letting Your Light Shine" by Mevio Music Alley group A Band Called Quinn

"Shine" by Mevio Music Alley artist Rachel Fuller

Intro Music:

"Deep Cycle Discharge" by Music Alley artists Simon James and Derek K. Miller

Monday, August 1, 2011

Episode 364-Hell Freezes Over

Yep, I'm podcasting again.

In this episode, I take one of the discussions from This Week In Gay a bit farther than we were able to on the episode.

As always, your comments are very welcome.

I would also like to invite anybody who wants a one-on-one discussion to consider being on an episode of "David's Salon." No hair, no nails, just great conversation!

Music Credits:

Intro: Deep Cycle Discharge by Mevio Music Alley artists Simon James and Derek K. Miller

"Walk Through the River" by Mevio Music Alley artist Jann Close

"Heaven Is In Yr (sic) Heart" by Mevio Music Alley artist Alan Grandy