Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Episode 477-Nix on the Navel Gazing-Live on

Inventory at the Wonder Emporium.

Taking a break from all of the introspective stuff and talking some news this time:

Scientists have used an enzyme to "snip" the HIV-1 genetic code out of T-cells.

Climate change-denying Senator gets schooled.

Satanists are using the Supreme Court's Hobby Lobby decision to avoid having their members taught scientifically unsound information about abortions.

UFC Fighter Kyle Kingsbury makes a pro-gay statement in his underwear.

Vegas update. 

Intro Music:

"Deep Cycle Discharge" by Mevio Music Alley artists Simon James and Derek K. Miller

Contact me:


Twitter: @bluejeansguy

Thanks for listening!

Check out this episode!

Monday, July 28, 2014

Episode 476-Moving On-Live on

My fantastic weekend of getting to meet recording artist Faith Rivera.

Coming to terms with moving out of the house that has been a part of my life on and off for 14 years. 

Vegas update.

Intro Music:

"Deep Cycle Discharge" by Mevio Music Alley artists Simon James and Derek K. Miller

Contact me:


Twitter: @bluejeansguy

Thanks for listening!

Check out this episode!

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Episode 475-The So You Think You Can Dance Update-The Top 20

I'm back and currently flying solo, due to scheduling conflicts on the part of one Michael Sage. I miss you already, Michael!

It's the Top 20 week, and everybody was dancing in their native style. Who did well and who could be in danger? Spoiler: not that easy to do this week!

Contact me at:


Twitter: @bluejeansguy


Check out this episode!

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Episode 474-The Hobby Lobby Decision-Part 2-Sort of-Live on

This is the second half of my live show on

Definitely going to have some content planned next week...

Intro Music:

"Deep Cycle Discharge" by Mevio Music Alley artists Simon James and Derek. K. Miller

Check out this episode!

Episode 473-The Hobby Lobby Decision-Part 1-Live on

My second episode of my stint on as a summer replacement for Dubious Intent Plus, and it's a double-header. Maybe next time it's better to have some more content planned...


Intro Music:


"Deep Cycle Discharge" by Mevio Music Alley artists Simon James and Derek K. Miller

Check out this episode!