We are back after a week with no internet.
David discusses one of his church's exploring the option of becoming a "sanctuary church."
Paul talks about his experience with his clinicals during his Certified Nursing Assistant class.
Paul has another edition of his new "Paul's Encouragement Corner."
Meanwhile, Michael Sage and Ramble Redhead are engaing in verbal foreplay in the chat room. (Just climb on top of each other and get it over with, guys!)
Join David (and sometimes Paul, and occasionally Mags or Jay) live on the Pride 48 Stream on Tuesday nights at 10pm in the evening in the Eastern Time Zone (that's 0300 UTC for the rest of the world).
Contact the show:
Voicemail: +1989-372-1489
Email: thatbluejeansguy@gmail.com (David) frogman72.pf@gmail.com (Paul)
Twitter: @bluejeansguy (David) @lightworker72 (Paul)
We are also on Facebook!
Thank you so much for listening!