Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Episode 637-Two (Too?) Long Years

There are several skips during the recording. Not sure why. I blame Big Fatty...

It's the anniversararium of the Denims nuptials!

Both Paul and David talk about how they spent their anniversararium weekend.

David needs more training (Paul would agree).

More church finance (yawn).

David talks about the church's interim minister.

Paul joins the show, and both talk about the anniversararium, house hunting, and going to yard sales.

David nearly lost his peace, love, and light attitude at a blues festival near the Green Jeans Family Compound. Oh, and there was a repeat the day after as well, which sends David on a rant...

Join David (and sometimes Paul, and occasionally Mags or Jay) live on the Pride 48 Stream on Tuesday nights at 10pm in the evening in the Eastern Time Zone (that's 0300 UTC for the rest of the world).

Contact the show:

Voicemail: +1989-372-1489

Email: (David) (Paul)

@bluejeansguy (David)
@lightworker72 (Paul)

We are also on Facebook!

Thank you so much for listening!

Check out this episode!

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